Why choose rail transport?

Rail-Road combined freight: an efficient alternative to Air and Sea freight!

The COVID-19 epidemic, which spread to China and then gradually to other countries around the world, has affected trade between Europe and Asia and has raised many uncertainties in the short and medium-term.

In order to meet the needs of its customers and support their activity during this period, QUALITAIR&SEA offers a tailor-made offer thanks to a range of multimodal, agile and flexible transport solutions.

The combined Rail Route is an efficient alternative to air and sea freight for the transport of goods between Europe and Asia.

A flexible and accessible solution

Combined transport Rail Route brings together rail and road freight in a single transport chain, the main route being by rail.

The goods are transported in a container and then transported by truck to the final delivery point.

This means of transport is possible for different types of goods:

  • Finished, semi-finished or raw materials
  • Sensitive or dangerous goods (except certain products such as lithium batteries)
  • Goods transported under controlled temperature on a specific request
  • Goods at room temperature
  • Non-perishable food products

No restrictions regarding the volumes sent or the packaging used.

The advantages of the Freight Rail Route


It combines the advantages specific to each mode, namely, the reliability of the rail and the flexibility of the road. Departure and arrival times are reliable, facilitating logistics planning for operators.

This alternative makes it possible to circumvent blockages at ports as well as all the uncertainties linked to the unforeseeable events (weather conditions, bad weather, slowed traffic, etc.).


Less expensive than air transport: it allows cost reductions, especially fuel-related expenses, for transporting large volumes over long distances.


With a transit time of 18-20 days, the delivery time for goods is shorter than that for maritime transport (around 40 days).


It gives access to a significant frequency of departures per week: a non-negligible advantage, particularly in the event that production deadlines are exceeded, allowing the goods to be dispatched, once ready, as quickly as possible.


Combined rail freight allows a reduction in the risk of damage or loss of the goods during transport.


Less polluting, it promotes the reduction of carbon emissions and strengthens the societal footprint of operators.

It also helps to reduce noise pollution in sensitive or congested areas (fewer people are exposed to rail noise).

The QUALITAIR&SEA Rail route offer

QUALITAIR&SEA offers a full range of solutions for connecting Europe and Asia and ensuring the delivery of goods to the final delivery point. This includes:

  • Pre and post routes
  • Storage on departure and arrival
  • Customs services
  • Rail transport: use of the 10 000 km long railway line, crossing, among others, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China
  • Follow-up
  • Document management
combined rail route

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COVID-19: Business Continuity Plan

COVID-19: 24/7 Time Critical Shipments

Why choose rail transport?

Need assistance?

QUALITAIR&SEA's offer is multimodal and covers all international transport needs. We are committed to working with you and supporting you today and tomorrow in your international success.

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