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Simplified customs clearance procedures (DCN)

French customs offers solutions to facilitate customs clearance and rationalize costs. Among these procedures: the French national centralized customs clearance called DCN "dédouanement centralisé national").

Customs centralization: dissociate 'declarative flows' from 'physical flows'


The French National Centralized Customs Clearance aka. the 'Dédouanement Centralisé National (DCN)' is a facility that allows operators to carry out customs formalities at a single office, known as the declaration office, regardless of the points of entry of the goods.

Who can benefit from a DCN accreditation?

Liberalization of customs clearance

This simplification is accessible to any operator established in the territory of the EU, in their own name or in the context of a direct representation, whatever the size of its structure, the nature of the goods transported or its status (AEO*).


*AEO: Authorized Economic Operator

How to obtain a DCN approval?

In order to obtain approval, operators must complete the DCN form and present a customs clearance scheme adapted to their needs.

It is used to:

  • Describe the customs clearance operations considered within the framework of the approval: the logistics scheme, the import and export customs clearance stages, and any stakeholders (representatives, freight forwarders, etc.).
  • Designate the customs office of declaration, and the different points of presentation according to their flows.

DCN approval is issued by the chosen reporting office after approval of the submitted customs clearance scheme.

What advantages for operators?

  • Centralization and simplification of customs operations
  • Rationalization of providers: possibility of entrusting all customs to a single provider
  • A unified procedure to reduce errors and at the same time the risk of sanctions
  • Dematerialization of information
  • Information exchange in a continuous flow
  • Transmission fluidity
  • Reduced processing times
  • Reduced costs of customs clearance operations

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Simplified customs clearance procedures (DCN)

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